I’ve been making quite a lot of use of the quiz/assessment website Socrative.com (free account needed; pay for enhanced features). I’m mainly using it to check comprehension of preparatory reading assignments, particularly for targeting areas where misconceptions are likely to arise (e.g. the difference between privacy and confidentiality when discussing research ethics). Here are some of the quizzes I’ve made recently.
- Brain structures and functions
- Brain scanning/imaging
- Neural transmission
- Synaptic transmission
- Recreational drugs
Criminological psychology
- Eyewitness testimony (post event information)
- Eyewitness testimony (moderating factors)
- Weapon focus
- XYY syndrome
- Offending and the brain
- Eysenck’s personality theory of crime
Research methods and statistics
- Choice of statistical test
- Statistical significance
- Statistical significance (simplified)
- Research ethics