---------------------- www.psychlotron.org.uk ---------------------- Name of resource: Ethics: collaborative learning activity (forum) Submitted by: Aidan Sammons Specification details: AQA-A Other specifications: AQA-B; Edexcel; OCR Guidance: instructions for a class based activity using collaborating learning tools (a forum). This one was designed for a Moodle VLE but would presumably work in any VLE that allowed you to use forums. Presumably would also work for distance learning and as an out-of-class activity but I've not tested it these ways.\ Students are invited to respond to four proposals based on notorious studies as if they were an ethics comittee. They are invited to consider whether the research should be allowed/modified/ disallowed completely, and to respond to each others' opinions. This task was developed for AS-AQA students who had only done the social influence topic, so the studies here (Watson & Rayner, Middlemist et al; Bandura et al; Piliavin et al) were unfamiliar to them. The looks on their faces as they read about the studies made the activity worthwhile in itself. They enjoyed this activity a lot and produced some excellent responses. The forum format allowed all to participate to a greater extent than a classroom discussion might have. The resource you download gives you moodle forum settings and instruction text in a Rich Text Format document so you can copy and paste it into your VLE.